Most Conservative States

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Wyoming is the most republican state in the U. Wyoming has low taxes across the board, including no state income tax. The state has elected a Republican Party candidate for every presidential election since the s, except for the election. The following is a list of the most conservative states in the United States. These findings are based on a Gallup tracking poll. States with a gap of 20 points or greater are considered "highly conservative. Mississippi is the most conservative state in the U.

With a gap of 38 points, Mississippi is considered to be "highly conservative. Unsurprisingly, Mississippi has a high concentration of church-goers, which is significant as conservative politics are tied with traditions in the Bible. Wyoming is the second-most conservative state in the U.

Wyoming has elected a Republican Party candidate for every presidential election since the s, except for the election. Alabama has the second-highest conservative advantage gap of 32 points, making it a "highly conservative" state. Alabama has voted Republican in the last eight presidential elections, and Like Mississippi, many residents of Alabama are also avid church-goers.

West Virginia is the fourth-most conservative state in the U. About In the presidential election, Tennessee is the sixth-most conservative state in the United States. Oklahoma has only four blue counties in the whole state as per the last election in Louisiana has a conservative advantage of 28 points, the fourth-highest in the country. Like Oklahoma, Utah also has zero blue counties in the entire state.

Finishing the top ten most conservative states in the U. South Carolina has a conservative advantage of 25 points.

Areas that voted Democratic in are around Charleston and Columbia. While there are very conservative states in the U. Population: 6, Percent Republican: The population was 6, at the census. Population: 11, Percent Republican: Archdale is a city in Guilford and Randolph counties in the U. The population was 11, at the census, up from 9, at the census. Population: 25, Percent Republican: Population: 10, Percent Republican: As of the census, the city population was 10, The town is widely known as the home of actor Andy Griffith and the inspiration for the fictional town of Mayberry on his eponymous show.

Population: 15, Percent Republican: Albemarle is a small city and the county seat of Stanly County, North Carolina. The population was 15, in the Census. Gerald R. Albemarle has operated under the Council-Manager form of government since Michael Ferris has served as City Manager since December of and previously served as Assistant City Manager for nearly two decades.

The City Manager is appointed by the City Council, and is responsible for the day to day administration of City government. The City-s Department Heads report directly to the City Manager, who is also responsible for development and administration of the City-s annual budget. Population: 7, Percent Republican: It is the county seat of McDowell County. The population was 7, at the Census.

Population: 17, Percent Republican: The population was 18, at the census. It is the county seat of Caldwell County. Lenoir is located in the Blue Ridge foothills. Hibriten Mountain, located just east of the city limits, marks the western end of the Brushy Mountains range. Population: 5, Percent Republican: Population: 18, Percent Republican: As of the census, the city had a population of 18, It is located in central North Carolina, 20 miles south of Winston-Salem.


Is nc or sc more conservative


Conservative States by Governors. Conservative States by State Legislatures. State Senates. State Houses. Why Choose Conservative Move?

Buy with Us. List with Us. Move with Us. Hard pressed poor cotton farmers created the Populist Party to challenge the establishment.

Conditions turned much worse in the Panic of , as cotton prices fell. In North Carolina, largely black Republican Party formed a fusion ticket with the largely white Populist , giving them control of the state legislature in In the Republican-Populist alliance took control of the governorship and many state offices.

In response, many white Democrats began efforts to reduce voter rolls and turnout. With the first step accomplished in by making registration more complicated and reducing African-American voter turnout, in the state's Democratic Party regained control of the state government. Contemporary observers described the election as a "contest unquestionably accompanied by violence, intimidation and fraud—to what extent we do not know—in the securing of a majority of 60, for the new arrangement".

Initially, the grandfather clause was used to exempt illiterate whites from the literacy test, but many were gradually disfranchised as well. By these efforts, by white Democratic legislators had completely eliminated African-American voter turnout in North Carolina. By North Carolina joined the "Solid Democratic South", with black people still members of the Republican Party but powerless in state and local affairs.

However, some counties in North Carolina's western Piedmont and Appalachian Mountains continued to vote Republican, continuing a tradition that dated from their yeoman culture and opposition to secession before the Civil War.

In , North Carolina was one of five former Confederate states to vote for Republican Herbert Hoover , also electing two Republican Congressman from the western part of the state, Charles A. Jonas and George M. In , aided by the presidential candidacy of popular war hero Dwight Eisenhower , the Republicans were successful in electing a U. Congressman, Charles R.

Jonas , the son of Charles A. In the midth century Republicans began to attract white voters in North Carolina and other Southern states. This was after passage of the Civil Rights Act of and Voting Rights Act of under Democratic President Lyndon Johnson, which extended Federal protection and enforcement of civil rights for all American citizens. Because the Democratic Party had supported civil rights at the national level, most African-American voters initially aligned with the Democrats when they regained their franchise.

Senator Jesse Helms played a major role in renewing the Republican Party and turning North Carolina into a two-party state.

Under his banner, many conservative white Democrats in the central and eastern parts of North Carolina began to vote Republican, at least in national elections. In part, this was due to dissatisfaction with the national Democratic Party's stance on issues of civil rights and racial integration. In later decades, conservatives rallied to Republicans over social issues such as prayer in school, gun rights , abortion rights, and gay rights.

Except for regional favorite Jimmy Carter 's election in , North Carolina voted Republican in every presidential election from to At the state level, however, the Democrats still controlled most of the elected offices during this time.

In the middle of the 20th century, North Carolina politics followed a more moderate course than in other conservative Southern states, leading it to gain a reputation as progressive. Political scientist V. Key Jr. It enjoys a reputation for progressive outlook and action in many phases of life, especially industrial development, education and race relations. Polk and Andrew Johnson , were born and raised in North Carolina, but both began their political careers in neighboring Tennessee , and were elected President from that state.

Wyoming has elected a Republican Party candidate for every presidential election since the s, except for the election. Alabama has the second-highest conservative advantage gap of 32 points, making it a "highly conservative" state. Alabama has voted Republican in the last eight presidential elections, and Like Mississippi, many residents of Alabama are also avid church-goers.

West Virginia is the fourth-most conservative state in the U. About In the presidential election, Tennessee is the sixth-most conservative state in the United States. Oklahoma has only four blue counties in the whole state as per the last election in Louisiana has a conservative advantage of 28 points, the fourth-highest in the country.

Like Oklahoma, Utah also has zero blue counties in the entire state. Finishing the top ten most conservative states in the U. And, as Rebecca Tippett of Carolina Demography has documented , the two major political parties present a notable contrast in their racial and ethnic profiles. Nearly seven out of 10 unaffiliated voters are white. Among the factors have been lower taxes and favorable cost of living compared to northern states — as well as public investment in schools, community colleges, and universities since the s that contributed to making cities, towns, and suburbs attractive places to live and run a business.

That understanding is reinforced in an article published this week in The Atlantic , among the several national media efforts to comprehend North Carolina politics in Staff writer David A. Helms was campaigning for a friend who is running for school board, on which Helms is wrapping up a second and final term.

Behind us stood a big, carefully maintained facility. Perspective Red state?



Is nc or sc more conservative


The state of South Carolina was preceded by the Crown Colony of South Carolina , a constitutional monarchy which was overthrown during the American Revolution. Presently, South Carolina's government is formed as a representative democracy. Like most southern states, South Carolina is a largely conservative , Republican state. Since the Declaration of Independence , South Carolina's politics have been controlled by three main parties: the Democratic Republican Party in the early s, the Democratic Party through most of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the Republican Party in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

As of , the Republican Party controls all nine state executive offices, both U. Senate offices, six of seven representatives to the U. The Governor of South Carolina is the chief executive of the state. The governor is elected to a four-year term and may serve up to two consecutive terms. The Lieutenant Governor is the second-in-command of the state's executive branch. The Lt. Governor assumes the office if the Governor is unable to fulfill his or her duties.

Prior to the gubernatorial election, Governors and Lieutenant Governors were elected on separate tickets. But for the election and beyond, the governor and lieutenant governor run on the same ticket.

The South Carolina Constitution provides for the separate election of eight executive officers, making a limited cabinet. This is a large number of elective offices compared to most states, which generally give the governor the executive power to appoint members of the cabinet. Each officer is elected at the same time as the governor.

The separately elected positions allow for the possibility of multiple parties to be represented in the executive branch. The Governor's Cabinet also contains several appointed positions. In most cases, persons who fill cabinet-level positions are recommended by the governor and appointed by the Senate. The South Carolina General Assembly is the state legislature. Representatives serve two-year terms and Senators serve four-year terms. The two houses meet in the South Carolina State House.

Each house is currently controlled by the Republican Party. Originally, each county elected one senator and at least one representative. The vast differences between rural and urban counties gave rural areas an outsized influence over state government. This state of affairs ended with the federal case of Reynolds v. The Family Court deals with all matters of domestic and family relationships, as well as generally maintaining exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving minors under the age of seventeen, excepting traffic and game law violations.

Some criminal charges may come under Circuit Court jurisdiction. It consists of a civil division the Court of Common Pleas and a criminal division. It is also a superior court , having limited appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the lower Probate Court, Magistrate's Court , and Municipal Court, and appeals from the Administrative Law Judge Division, which hears matters relating to state administrative and regulatory agencies.

South Carolina's 46 counties are divided into 16 judicial circuits, and there are currently 46 judges. Circuit court judges are elected by the General Assembly to six-year terms. The South Carolina Court of Appeals is the state intermediate appellate court. It hears all Circuit Court and Family Court appeals, excepting appeals that are within the seven classes of exclusive Supreme Court jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals is selected by the General Assembly to long six-year terms. The court comprises a chief judge, and eight associate judges, and may hear cases as the whole court, or as three panels with three judges each.

The court may preside in any county. The South Carolina Supreme Court is the state supreme court. The Chief Justice and four Associate Justices are elected to staggered ten-year terms. There are no limits on the number of terms a justice may serve, but there is a mandatory retirement age of The overwhelming majority of vacancies on the Court occur when Justices reach this age, not through the refusal of the General Assembly to elect a sitting Justice to another term.

Since , many residents have called for a new Constitution, one that is not based on the politics of a post-Civil War population. Governor Mark Sanford called for constitutional reform in his State of the State speech.

Several hundred amendments have been made to the Constitution in there were amendments. Amendments have been created to comply with federal acts, and for many other issues.

The volume of amendments makes South Carolina's constitution one of the longest in the nation. Historically, local governments in South Carolina have been fairly weak. For the most part, until the s, towns were controlled by districts. According to historian Tom Downey, "the movement for incorporation initiated with a desire to implant order on unruly elements In the late s, the General Assembly started allowing select towns to tax property within their corporate limits.

The constitution established home rule for counties. Each county's delegation to the General Assembly also doubled as its county council. Under this system, the state senator from each county exercised the most power. Sims required reapportionment according to the principle of "one man, one vote", which resulted in legislative districts crossing county lines. However, it was not until that the constitution was amended to provide for limited home rule at the county level.

The Home Rule Act in implemented this. Nonetheless, the legislature still devotes considerable time to local issues, and county legislative delegations still decide many matters that are handled at the county level in most other states.

Municipal governments may incorporate as cities or towns. However, there is no legal difference between the two. Compared to cities in neighboring states, South Carolina cities are fairly small in size and population, since state law makes annexation difficult.

First, if all property owners in a given area of land sign and file a petition with the municipality requesting annexation, the municipality may approve the petition and enact an ordinance declaring the annexation.

Like most Southern states, South Carolina consistently voted Democratic in the 19th century and much of the 20th century as a part of the Solid South. The Democratic block was largely maintained by the disenfranchisement of most black voters from to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of The Republican Party became competitive in the presidential election when Richard Nixon lost the state to John F.

Kennedy by just two percentage points. In , Barry Goldwater became the first Republican to win the state since Reconstruction. Since the election of , South Carolina has voted for the Republican party in every presidential election, with the exception of when Jimmy Carter , a southern Democrat, was elected president.

However, in state-wide and local elections, conservative Democrats still won many races until the end of the 20th century. The last conservative Democratic governor to be elected in South Carolina was Jim Hodges in , and the last conservative Democratic U.

Senator to serve was Fritz Hollings until Until the s, South Carolina had a majority Democratic representation in both the U.

While South Carolina has shifted between the Democratic and Republican parties, politics in South Carolina has consistently been conservative. The current South Carolina delegation to the U. Senate :. A district map is found here.

The state does not allow casino gambling, but it authorized the operation of video poker machines throughout the state.

But, in the legislature banned video poker, requiring machines to be shut off and removed from the state by July 8. Bush carried North Carolina by double-digit percentages in and , but in , a strong year for the Democratic Party, its presidential candidate Barack Obama narrowly defeated Republican candidate John McCain in North Carolina, The Democratic Party's strength is increasingly centered in densely populated urban counties such as Mecklenburg , Wake , Durham , and Guilford , where the bulk of the state's population growth has occurred.

The Republicans maintain a strong presence in many of North Carolina's rural and small-town counties. The suburban areas around the state's larger cities usually hold the balance of power and can vote both ways, and in trended towards the Democratic Party before swinging towards the Republicans in State and local elections have become highly competitive compared to the previous one-party decades of the 20th century.

For example, eastern North Carolina routinely elects Republican sheriffs and county commissioners, a development that did not happen until the s. In the Republicans won a majority of both houses of the state legislature for the first time since Whereas previous congressional redistricting plans for the state had favored Democrats, the newest plan is expected to favor Republicans.

In the state also elected its first Republican governor and lieutenant governor, Pat McCrory and Dan Forest , in more than two decades while also giving the Republicans veto-proof majorities in both the State House of Representatives and State Senate. Several U. House of Representatives seats also flipped control, with the Republicans currently controlling ten seats to the Democrats' three. In , federal courts struck down many of voting restrictions and gerrymandered districts instituted by Republicans, saying they harmed racial minorities.

After the election, Andrew Reynolds , a political science professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , drew media attention when he noted that North Carolina's election integrity score, as measured by the Electoral Integrity Project , was similar to Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone.

As of , judges in state courts must identify their party affiliation on ballots, making North Carolina the first state in nearly a century to adopt partisan court elections. Since the collapse of the Populists around the turn of the 20th century, third parties , such as the Green Party and Libertarian Party , have had difficulty making inroads in state politics.

They have both run candidates for office with neither parties winning a state office. After engaging in a lawsuit with the state over ballot access, the Libertarian Party [15] qualified to be on the ballot after submitting more than 70, petition signatures.

In , the Green Party came close to gaining statewide ballot access, closer than the other six new parties, but still fell short of getting the required number of signatures. North Carolina currently has 13 congressional districts , which, when combined with its two U.

Senate seats, gives the state 15 electoral votes. In the th Congress , the state is represented by five Democratic and eight Republican Members of Congress , with one vacancy. The state's U.

As of December 31, , North Carolina is the 9th most populated state in the nation and is set to receive an additional Congressional seat after the next round of reapportionment. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Overview of the politics of the U. Retrieved 10 March Archived from the original on Retrieved Retrieved 13 March Carolina's image".

Detroit Free Press. March 13, Archived from the original on July 31, Retrieved July 31, Archived from the original on December 26, Retrieved Dec 26, The New York Times.

Archived from the original on 24 February Retrieved 3 March Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on 30 December Retrieved 31 December Archived from the original on 31 December Archived from the original on 19 October Retrieved 20 October Libertarian Party of North Carolina.

Ballot Access News. Archived from the original on 15 March State of North Carolina. Raleigh capital. North Carolina portal. Politics of the United States by polity. Washington, D. Virgin Islands. Authority control: National libraries Israel United States. Categories : Politics of North Carolina. Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from July Articles with dead external links from January Articles with permanently dead external links Articles needing additional references from May All articles needing additional references Articles with short description Short description with empty Wikidata description All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March Articles with unsourced statements from January Articles with J9U identifiers Articles with LCCN identifiers.
